Ahmad Raouf Basharidoust; une des victimes du massacre 1988, arrêté à l'âge de 16 ans, a été éxécuté après plus de 5 années de prison

مجاهد قهرمان، احمد رئوف بشري‌دوست پس از بيش از 5سال اسارت در زندانهاي خميني دژخيم در جريان قتل عام زندانيان سياسي مجاهد در سال 1367 به شهادت رسيد.

jeudi 9 mai 2019

Iran: A Little Prince in the Land of the Mullahs

Ahmad Raouf Bacharidoust was born on 23 August 1964 in Astara, a small town on the Caspian Sea. Living conditions were ideal in the region, with its rolling green hills. With his older sister Massoumeh and his family, Ahmad had every reason to feel happy. And yet…

There would be many surprises in the life of Ahmad Raouf Bacharidoust, nicknamed the “little prince” by his families, first his natural family, then that of his brothers-in-arms and companions in prison. The young man soon understood that he would have to fight in order to survive. And yet he had the good fortune to be born into a close-knit family. The young man in a hurry could not stand injustice. His freshness, his youth, his unconcern, and his insolence made him a prominent figure in the fight against the mullahs. A Little Prince in the Land of the Mullahs tells his story. The story of one young man among so many others who, risking his life, driven by a deep sense of purpose, would fight to his last breath against all tyrannies.