Ahmad Raouf Basharidoust; une des victimes du massacre 1988, arrêté à l'âge de 16 ans, a été éxécuté après plus de 5 années de prison

مجاهد قهرمان، احمد رئوف بشري‌دوست پس از بيش از 5سال اسارت در زندانهاي خميني دژخيم در جريان قتل عام زندانيان سياسي مجاهد در سال 1367 به شهادت رسيد.

lundi 24 juin 2019

A Little Prince in the Land of the Mullahs: The True Story of a Teenager Who Stood up to the Mullahs’ Regime in Iran

The true story of a teenager who stood up to the mullahs’ regime in Iran, recalled in the words of his surviving sister and told through drawn pictures. Ahmad, the hero of this story, was killed in 1988 at the age of 24, while in captivity but the perpetrators of the murder remain in key positions of power in Iran.
The story of A Little Prince in the Land of the Mullahs reveals to the reader the human tragedy facing millions of Iranians. With Ahmad, we can go through this tragedy, live it and try to understand why, and most importantly what can be done so that justice can be served, and freedom can be acheived by the Iranian people.

“A Little Prince in the Land of the Mullahs revives the little hero in the reader by telling the story of a brave young man who wants nothing more than to live the life that all boys and girls want: to be free, happy, and secure in his homeland. Like tens of thousands of others, the little prince suffers. He faces arrest, torture, and ultimately sacrifices his life.”
— Linda Chavez, Former White House director of public liaison

“The story of A Little Prince in the Land of the Mullahs reveals to us, without any pretenses, the human tragedy facing millions of Iranians. With Ahmad, we can go through this tragedy, live it and try to understand why, so that the truth can no longer be hidden, so that justice can be done, and so that the liberation so long awaited by the Iranian people can happen.”
— Ingrid Betancourt, Colombian-French former Senator held hostage for 6 years

The book is on sale at the following addresses:

jeudi 9 mai 2019

Iran: A Little Prince in the Land of the Mullahs

Ahmad Raouf Bacharidoust was born on 23 August 1964 in Astara, a small town on the Caspian Sea. Living conditions were ideal in the region, with its rolling green hills. With his older sister Massoumeh and his family, Ahmad had every reason to feel happy. And yet…

There would be many surprises in the life of Ahmad Raouf Bacharidoust, nicknamed the “little prince” by his families, first his natural family, then that of his brothers-in-arms and companions in prison. The young man soon understood that he would have to fight in order to survive. And yet he had the good fortune to be born into a close-knit family. The young man in a hurry could not stand injustice. His freshness, his youth, his unconcern, and his insolence made him a prominent figure in the fight against the mullahs. A Little Prince in the Land of the Mullahs tells his story. The story of one young man among so many others who, risking his life, driven by a deep sense of purpose, would fight to his last breath against all tyrannies.

samedi 13 avril 2019

La désignation des gardiens de la révolution comme terroriste est une bonne nouvelle pour les Iraniens.

Les Etats-Unis ont placé lundi 8 avr. 2019  les Gardiens de la Révolution, l'armée idéologique du régime iranien, sur leur liste noire des "organisations terroristes étrangères".
Pour les Iraniens, le nom du Corps des gardiens de la révolution (CGRI / Pasdaran), l’armée idéologique de Khomeiny équivaut à celui de la Gestapo, étant l’organe de torture et d’assassinat du régime intégriste des mollahs.
Après la chute du chah, dès son arrivée au pouvoir, Khomeiny fonde son armée spéciale et idéologique, dont la première tâche est de réprimer et de tuer les opposants politiques en Iran. La seconde est d'exporter la soi-disant révolution islamique du clergé réactionnaire à l’étranger pour réaliser le rêve d’un nouveau califat.
Pour ma génération qui a participé à la révolution contre le chah pour un Iran libre et démocratique, les gardiens de la révolution sont une expérience amère et sanglante que nous avons payée très cher par des emprisonnements, des tortures et la perte de parents. 
Tous les interrogateurs, tortionnaires, gardiens de prison étaient sans exception des Pasdaran. Ces fous de pouvoir, exécutants des fatwas criminelles de Khomeiny ne connaissaient aucune limite dans la sauvagerie.
J’ai  raconté  histoire   de  mon petit frère, victime de sauvagerie des gardiens de la révolution (CGRI / Pasdaran) dans un   livre  BD intitulée "un petit prince au pays des mollahs".